Linking Genesis and the Resurrection

The Bible tells us of the Resurrection of Jesus, but this event has important links back in Genesis.
Open Bible image from Unsplash / Ben White.

When many professing Christians are reading accounts of the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead in, say, John 20, most are not likely considering the book of Genesis. It is rightly called the book of beginnings because it is the starting point for many things, not just the creation of the universe.

Study on this a spell. God the Son created the universe (well, all three persons of the Trinity were involved, but especially the Son), then he humbled himself and became a man. Jesus was born and lived in an unpretentious manner, then died a humiliating death on a cross. He was buried in a borrowed tomb until he arose later.

Why go to all the trouble? We know it was because he loved us even though we had sinned — and we learn where sin came from back in Genesis. Adam had authority which affects all of us. We are sinners who need to be reconciled to God. Paul the apostle makes it clear that Jesus is the last Adam; he is one of us. The Crucifixion, death, burial, and bodily Resurrection of Jesus was the only way to make salvation for humanity possible.

As you go about your Easter observances and think about how we have hope for our own Resurrection (I will certainly be thinking about being reunited in Heaven with my beloved Charlene and others who have gone before), think a bit about Genesis as well. We learn about sin there, and God’s promise of the Redeemer.

You can read the full article at “The Resurrection and Genesis.” Also recommended, “Creation’s Easter Message.”

By Cowboy Bob Sorensen

The most important thing is that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life. I am a biblical ("young earth") creationist that upholds the truth, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible. Science is fascinating and fun, and theology is a growth process. I will not lay claim to Calvinist or Arminian, and have actually been hated for that. Sometimes I don't feel like writing something serious or on this subject. I'm not as cool as the picture indicates.


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